A glimpse into my journey of creative exploration. This portfolio is just a sampling of what I've been working on.
A novel-writing platform that encourages users to finish their novels. Currently has 10,000 users from over 30 countries.
A C-like matrix-manipulation programming language with Python library functionalities implemented in OCaml.
An Arduino-powered stuffed bunny that sings songs when pressed on the nose. Winner at HackNY 2016.
A deep recurrent attentional neural network that models how a human learns estimation and counting abilities.
An interactive graph that displays the YouTube recommendation pathways for various channels of kpop band BTS.
An augmented reality mobile game for automated waste management. Finalist at Columbia Venture Competition 2022.
A speech memorization assistant powered by text-to-image visual mneumonic generation. Winner at Lionhack 2015.
Reinforcement Learning-based computational models of model-free vs. model-based learning.
A Python scraper for a corpus of code-switching text in Spanish and English.
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